Career Advancement Resources

Programs Targeted to Specific Faculty Cohorts

Pathways to Tenure

The?Pathways to Tenure?program is a UNH ADVANCE created and presented interactive workshop series aimed at assisting tenure-track assistant professors achieve tenure.? The program helps to identify where participants are on the path to tenure and how to strengthen their record.? Pathways to Tenure works to enhance each participant’s readiness for tenure by identifying their goals in the areas of teaching, research, and service, and developing strategies for achieving those goals.

Early Career Faculty

UNH has a number of programs designed to assist junior faculty in their academic career development through the guidance and support of experienced University faculty members who serve as role models, advisors and mentors.? Several early career faculty mentoring programs are offered by the?UNH Engagement and Faculty Development?and the?UNH Research Office. Individual Colleges also offer College-based opportunities for junior faculty to meet with peers and College leadership. ?

Mid-Career Faculty

UNH’s Advancing Your Career at UNH and Beyond program , developed as part of the UNH ADVANCE PAID grant, is a professional development opportunity designed? primarily, for mid-career female faculty in the STEM fields.? Check back soon for updated information on the 2015 program or contact the UNH ADVANCE Office.

Senior Faculty

Various seminars and programs are designed to promote ongoing communication among academic administrators, provide leadership development opportunities, and support campus leaders (deans, chairs, and directors) in their efforts to foster academic excellence and organizational change in their units.?Advancing Academic Leaders?provides additional professional development for UNH department chairs,?program directors,?coordinators and other academic leaders. It was developed by UNH ADVANCE and is now being offered by?the?UNH Engagement and Faculty Development?in addition to other?senior faculty mentoring programs.

Agency Specific Programs

UNH also offers programs to support faculty seeking extramural funds from specific agencies such as NSF, NIH, DOE, and Fulbright. Examples of these programs include the?National Science Foundation Early CAREER Learning Community?and the?UP-2-NIH program.? For further information visit the?UNH Research Office?and?UNH Engagement and Outreach Office?websites

Programs Open to All Colleges, Institutes, and Faculty Levels

Research and Engagement Academy

The?Research and Engagement Academy?is designed to advance and support the scholarly careers and success of faculty members by strengthening the quality and quantity of grant proposals submitted to federal agencies and foundations and by increasing the diversity of faculty who are awarded funding. Participants commit to submitting a grant proposal, attending six day-long workshops and working with a “scholarly coach”, who is a senior faculty with a successful external funding track record.? The program is open to all colleges, institutes, and faculty levels.

Writing Academy

The?Writing Academy?works to strengthen the writing, reflection, and critical feedback of faculty grants and scholarly pieces.? Participants are given an opportunity to interact with both their peers and senior colleagues over the course of a summer, making connections that will continue beyond the academy. The goal of the academy is not only to have faculty write and submit scholarly pieces and grant proposals, but also to help them build a vibrant scholarly life that contributes to the intellectual climate at UNH.? The program is open to all colleges, institutes, and faculty levels.

Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

The?Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning?supports programs to promote the highest quality of student learning by providing resources needed for classroom implementation of the best practices in college teaching. Programs offered by the Center include: confidential individual teacher consults; workshops and courses on effective teaching; program development and review support; assistance to individuals and academic units interested in design and implementation; assistance for student learning outcomes assessment; and dissemination of research on the teaching/learning process.? The programs are open to all full-time faculty, part-time faculty, and teaching graduate students.