New Chair Learning Community


All Chairs and Academic Leaders June 2023 session

New Chair Learning Community provides new department chairs with a collaborative environment to share and receive peer support and build skills as they embark on the new challenge of department leadership.

The New Chair Learning Community aims to provide new department chairs (1st and 2nd year) a collaborative environment for sharing and receiving peer support. Topics for each session are driven by participant interests and what the group determines as their most urgent needs at a given time. Additional consultation with Holly Cashman, New Chair Learning Community facilitator and Provost Leadership Fellow is available. New chairs are always welcome and regular participation is highly recommended.

Current Sessions

Date Time Potential Topics
September 12:00 – 1:15 pm What kind of chair will you be?
Defining your approach and setting expectations
Time management
November 8:30 - 1:15 pm Assessing climate, addressing issues, creating community
Mentoring - formal and informal
February 12:00 – 1:15 pm Managing change, building on success
Setting goals, working toward a common vision
March 8:30 - 1:15 pm Annual reviews, classroom evaluations, and giving feedback
Promotion, P&T
