
OLLI Member Donors

“Success for an Osher Institute relies on a culture of giving – modeled generously by The Bernard Osher Foundation",? says Steve Thaxton,

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Osher
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Osher

Director, National Resource Center for Osher Lifelong learning Institutes. Your OLLI Development Team typically plans?two?major?fundraising appeals each year; one in the fall and another in the spring.? Members’ contributions promote member investment that in turn promotes program growth and long-term sustainability.

Donations in any amount work immediately to maintain affordable membership dues and class fees, supplement scholarship funds and build the program’s capacity to provide excellent member service for years to come.

“The long-term sustainability of OLLI?calls for contributions from members who see that benefits from their involvement far exceed course and membership fees. Consider what OLLI means to you. How does it impact your life? And then consider what can you do for OLLI?” - Sandy O’Neill, class of 2013.

Please help OLLI achieve 100%? member participation. Demonstrate your support for OLLI and the example set by the Bernard Osher Foundation. Your donation? will go directly to OLLI and it is tax deductible .

You may choose to make a one-time contribution or set up monthly recurring donations.

How You Can Support OLLI Today

One-Time and Recurring Online Donations -


Donations by Check -?

Checks are payable to OLLI at UNH and mailed to Taylor Hall 59 College Rd Durham, NH 03824.?

Thank you for supporting our new alma mater!