The SELC is the brainchild of Lara Gengarelly, Cooperative Extension associate professor of science literacy, and Ruth Varner, professor of Earth sciences and UNH’s Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space. The group, which includes 75 faculty and staff from the UNH community, meets regularly to share updates on their STEM education work and explore opportunities to combine efforts.
Gengarelly and Varner regularly gather members’ input and suggestions to plan SELC’s yearly activities. Consequently, SELC events (approximately four events per academic year) often represent the ideas of its members.?
Mission Statement
Promote the communication and collaboration among UNH faculty, staff, and graduate students who conduct STEM education research and/or engagement activities to address the University’s commitment to enhancing and supporting the STEM pipeline.
UNH faculty and staff involved in STEM education (P-20) scholarship and/or engagement (e.g., outreach, programming) are welcome. To join please email Lara Gengarelly ( to provide your name, title, and a brief statement on your STEM education activities at UNH. ?Members are invited to all SELC events, and have access to the SELC member directory, and listserv.