Dear Faculty, Staff and Students,

I hope that you had a peaceful and refreshing Thanksgiving and got to spend some time with family and friends. I love the simplicity and gratefulness that characterize this holiday. Jan and I were thrilled to welcome our extended family to Durham and had a wonderful time with everyone!

Earlier this month we held the inaugural Embrace New Hampshire Bus Tour. We visited nine locations in two days, and met Granite Staters working in communities, businesses, farms (both on land and underwater!), parks and health care. At every stop we were reminded of the difference that UNH education, research and outreach have made in the lives of our fellow citizens. We are already planning for our next tour in 2023. Watch a?short video?or check out this?photo essay?about the tour.

In recognition of November’s?National Distance Learning Week, I want to highlight the increasing demand for distance education. UNH has invested in online learning as part of our vision of becoming New Hampshire’s hub for lifelong learning opportunities. Our award-winning?UNH Online?team offers a full suite of services to market and support online programs, and welcomes new ideas for programs geared to working professionals. To explore internal resources for online teaching,?visit?UNH Online faculty resources.

I continue to be immensely proud of our students. I have had the opportunity recently to see what they’ve accomplished in the fine arts, academics, athletics and community service. Thanks to our students for representing UNH so well, and to our faculty and staff for your impressive and indefatigable efforts in helping our students to reach their potential.

All best wishes for your success in your papers, exams, grading (!), and everything else you need to accomplish in the next few weeks as we reach the end of the semester. In the wake of the tragedies that occurred on two college campuses earlier this month and the stress that can accompany end of semester activities, I want to take a moment to remind everyone that there are resources available for anyone needing support and for anyone concerned about another member of our community. No campus is immune from events like the recent ones at the University of Virginia and the University of Idaho, but I want you to know that I have great confidence in our public safety colleagues’ expertise and training. I encourage you to host the one-hour?active shooter awareness?class that is available to any university group by contacting?Chief Paul Dean. Please take care of yourself and each other and seek help if you need it.

James W. Dean Jr.


P.S.— If you are interested in seeing what I have been reading, click?here.