Commencement Address 2022

Greetings, everyone. ?I am Jim Dean, president of the University of New Hampshire. It is my great honor and privilege to welcome you to celebrate the UNH Manchester Class of 2022.

Congratulations, graduates!

We are here for the most important ceremony in your academic lives. This is also a joyful and historic day for everyone who supported you along the way.

Of course, at the top of that list are your families, your loved ones and friends. Let’s give them a hand. They certainly deserve it. Thank you for supporting our graduates.

I would also like to recognize everyone -- graduates and guests alike – who has served our community, our state and our nation. That includes veterans and active members of our military, as well as our police, our firefighters and our first responders. Thank you for your service.

Let’s give a hand to those who ensure that our Manchester community remains a healthy, beautiful and vibrant hub for learning, research and partnerships – the dedicated members of our staff. Thank you for making this day possible.

Today, we also honor the outstanding members of our faculty. Their reputation as mentors, scholars and researchers inspires our students and drives the success we celebrate at our Manchester campus today. Thank you, faculty.

These past few years have certainly been challenging for everyone in higher education, especially students.

Yet, the Class of 2022 persevered, and you taught us so much in the process.

You demonstrated remarkable determination in overcoming every obstacle. You showed an uncanny ability to adapt to dramatic changes in academic, campus and social life. You stayed healthy, which allowed us to keep our campus open longer than many others.

You helped your classmates navigate pressing personal and family issues brought on by the pandemic. Many of you encountered new demands in your lives off campus, from changes in your jobs to caring for children and other relatives. Among our graduates are those who also took on new responsibilities as volunteers in their communities. And you never lost sight of your goals.

Despite myriad challenges, you excelled as scholars and researchers.

Today, we celebrate your academic success. ?Your accomplishments exemplify the spirit of UNH Manchester at its finest. You leave here today uniquely prepared to thrive in a world that will bring new challenges and unimaginable opportunities.

You have proven yourselves as talented, intelligent, innovative team members. You are community builders. Friends and classmates for life. And you will always be proud members of the Wildcat family.

Congratulations, graduates. Thank you for bringing your absolute best to UNH Manchester.

We are excited to hear about the great futures that await you. So, stay touch. And please, know that you are always welcome to come back. And I hope that you will mentor and support new generations of Wildcats.

Congratulations to the Class of 2022!

This is a great day for all of you, and everyone in the Wildcat family! Thank you.