Dear Members of the University Community—

We are in the home stretch of the semester and our students have worked hard to transition their work for the university’s events that showcase innovation and research to a virtual environment. Please take some time to view the Undergraduate Research Conference, the Holloway Business Competition and the results of the Graduate Research Conference online and thank you for your dedication as mentors, scholars and participants.? ?

  • The?Undergraduate Research Conference?features more than 1,800 student participants.
  • More than 200 graduate students from all academic disciplines presented their work and research over two days. Check out the?Graduate Research Conference?posters and presentations.
  • While there will be a limited audience for the?Holloway Prize Competition?May 6, a recording of the event and the students’ “elevator pitches” of their business plans will be available.

As you view these events online, we think you will be as impressed and as proud as we are. While you’re there, please login and take some time to leave a comment for one or more of our student presenters to show your support for their accomplishment.

The rapid response of our faculty and staff to create these virtual experiences reflects the remarkable character that defines our Wildcat community at its best. Thank you for everything you are doing to ensure the academic success and overall well-being of every member of our community. We leave you with this?poignant video?as a reminder of just how much you are missed.

James W. Dean Jr.

Wayne Jones