International Engagement and Service Scholarship (IESS)

International Engagement and Service Scholarship (IESS)
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Welcome to the IESS Scholarship Program homepage, where international students can discover an incredible opportunity to study at the esteemed University of New Hampshire (UNH) while enriching the campus community with their diverse cultural experiences. This program offers financial support, academic resources, and a welcoming environment to foster cross-cultural exchange and collaboration. Explore eligibility requirements, application guidelines, and success stories from past scholars. Access resources for a seamless transition to UNH, and embark on a life-changing educational journey that combines academic excellence with cultural exploration. Join the IESS Scholarship Program and become part of a vibrant and diverse community at UNH.



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Want to learn more about IESS? Visit 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 Us page.

188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 Us

An aerial view of the beautiful UCSC campus



Want to find out requirements and how to apply? Visit Scholarship page.


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Want to see our recipients? Visit Students page.
