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The Career Advancement & Lifelong Learning Institute (CALLI) serves as an engine for educational innovation at the University of New Hampshire (UNH), facilitating continuing education opportunities and learning pathways to degree programs across the university.?

UNH Career Advancement and LIfelong Learning Institute Logo

CALLI collaborates with stakeholders across UNH to promote continuing education by supporting the?Nondegree Enrollment Hub, the?DiscoveryHub?for non-credit and community programming, and managing the university’s Microcredentials. ?

CALLI's mission is to engage lifelong learners by supporting pathways to noncredit programming, nondegree continuing education courses, and learning pathways to matriculated degrees.

Michael Mengers
Michael Mengers

Executive Director
Career Advancement & Lifelong Learning Institute

Email Michael

Adrianna Lamparelli

Adrianna Lamparelli

Program Manager for Campus Partnerships
Career Advancement & Lifelong Learning Institute

Email Adrianna