- Fall bills are posted to student?Webcat?accounts in mid-July and are due in early August. Spring semester bills are posted in mid-December and are due in early January. Payments must be received by published due dates.
- Tuition for Durham undergrads is billed based on full-time registration (12-20 credits). Students who intend to be part-time should contact Student Accounts so that their bills can be adjusted. Once the semester add/drop periods have ended, tuition will be assessed based on actual registration and any outstanding adjustments will be made at that time.
- Students who register for fewer than 12 credits will be charged per credit hour. A $20 registration fee will also be added for part-time students.
- Courses taken for audit are charged at the same rate as for-credit courses.
- Students who register for more than 20 credit hours will be charged per credit hour for each credit over 20. The charges will be calculated at the student's current semester tuition rate. However, undergraduate students who register for more than 20 credit hours will not be billed an overload charge for auditing courses.
- New undergraduate students are charged a one-time $400 administration fee which supports first-year initiatives, transfer student programming and related undergraduate initiatives to support new students' transition and success.
- Some courses carry special fees to cover the cost of labs/studios, special equipment, online text materials and/or field trips. These fees are noted in the course descriptions.
- Full-time UNH students are required to have adequate health insurance as a condition of enrollment. A charge for the UNH student health benefits plan will appear on full-time student accounts. Students presenting proof of adequate coverage from another insurance carrier may waive the UNH plan. Students with F1 or J1 visas are required to use the UNH plan. For information on the UNH Student Health Benefits Plan see?Health Insurance.
- Tuition insurance in the event of medical withdrawal due to illness, injury or psychological conditions is available through GradGuard's?Tuition Protection Plan.
2025/2026 Expected Tuition*
*Costs for the 25/26 Academic Year are Subject to Change
? | Per Semester | Per Year | Per Credit Hour | Continuing Ed |
NH Resident | $7,954.00 | $15,908.00 | $665.00 | $483.00 |
Out-of-State Resident | $18,535.00 | $37,070.00 | $1,545.00 | $583.00 |
New England Regional Student Program1 | $13,919.50 | $27,839.00 | $1,160.00 | ? |
CEPS Engineering & Computer Science?2 | $734.50 | $1,469.00 | $62.00 | ? |
Peter T. Paul College of Business & Economics2 | $709.00 | $1,418.00 | $60.00 | ? |
Music Majors2 | $450.00 | $900.00 | ? | ? |
1NERSP information and list of eligible majors can be viewed on the NERSP website.
2Charged in addition to tuition rates for CEPS, PAUL, and Music majors.?
2025/2026 Expected Mandatory Fees* (12-20 Credits)
*Costs for the 25/26 Academic Year are Subject to Change
Fee Description | Per semester | Per Year |
Student Activity | $51.00 | $102.00 |
Health? & Wellness? | $224.50 | $449.00 |
Psychological & Counseling Services (PACS)? | $111.50 | $223.00 |
The SHARPP Center | $31.00 | $62.00 |
Memorial Union | $231.00 | $462.00 |
Student Recreation | $379.00 | $758.00 |
Whittemore Center | $72.50 | $145.00 |
Student Athletics | $537.50 | $1,075.00 |
Career & Professional Success | $49.50 | $99.00 |
Transportation | $82.50 | $165.00 |
Total Mandatory Fees for 12-20 Credits | $1,770.00 | $3,540.00 |
Technology (Charged Separately) | $117.00 | $234.00 |
Total Mandatory Fees?plus Technology Fee for 12-20 Credits | $1,887.00 | $3,774.00 |
2025/2026?Expected Mandatory Fees* (5-11 credits)
*Costs for the 25/26 Academic Year are Subject to Change
Fee Description | Per Semester | Per Year |
Student Activity | $25.50 | $51.00 |
Health & Wellness? | $112.25 | $224.50 |
Psychological & Counseling Services (PAC)? | $55.75 | $111.50 |
The SHARPP Center | $15.50 | $31.00 |
Memorial Union | $115.50 | $231.00 |
Student Recreation | $189.50 | $379.00 |
Whittemore Center | $36.25 | $72.50 |
Student Athletics | $268.75 | $537.50 |
Career & Professional Success | $24.75 | $49.50 |
Transportation | $41.25 | $82.50 |
Total Mandatory Fees for 5-11 credits | $885.00 | $1,770.00 |
Technology (Charged Separately) | $58.50 | $117.00 |
Total Mandatory Fees plus Technology Fee for 5-11 credits | $943.50 | $1,887.00 |
- Mandatory fees are not charged for students registered for 4 credits or fewer. However, those students will be charged a technology fee of $29.00 per term.
- For fee details, see Information on Fees.
- See?Room & Board for current housing & dining rates.
- See??Cost of Attendance?for total estimated expenses including indirect costs not charged by the university.
? | Per Semester | Per Year | Per Credit Hour | Continuing Ed |
NH Resident | $7,760.00 | $15,520.00 | $645.00 | $471.00 |
Out-of-State Resident | $18,085.00 | $36,170.00 | $1,505.00 | $569.00 |
New England Regional Student Program1 | $13,580.00 | $27,160.00 | $1,130.00 | ? |
CEPS Engineering & Computer Science?2 | $717.00 | $1,434.00 | $60.00 | ? |
Peter T. Paul College of Business & Economics2 | $692.00 | $1,384.00 | $58.00 | ? |
Music Majors2 | $450.00 | $900.00 | ? | ? |
1NERSP information and list of eligible majors can be viewed on the NERSP website.
2Charged in addition to tuition rates for CEPS, PAUL, and Music majors.?
2024/2025?Mandatory Fees (12-20 Credits)
Fee Description | Per Semester | Per Year |
Student Activity | $49.50 | $99.00 |
Health? & Wellness? | $214.50 | $429.00 |
Psychological & Counseling Services (PACS)? | $107.50 | $215.00 |
The SHARPP Center | $28.00 | $56.00 |
Memorial Union | $224.00 | $448.00 |
Student Recreation | $367.50 | $735.00 |
Whittemore Center | $70.50 | $141.00 |
Student Athletics | $537.50 | $1,075.00 |
Career & Professional Success | $48.00 | $96.00 |
Transportation | $80.00 | $160.00 |
Total Mandatory Fees for 12-20 Credits | $1,727.00 | $3,454.00 |
Technology (Charged Separately) | $114.00 | $228.00 |
Total Mandatory Fees?plus Technology Fee for 12-20 Credits | $1,841.00 | $3,682.00? |
2024/2025?Mandatory Fees (5-11 credits)
Fee Description | Per Semester | Per Year |
Student Activity | $24.75 | $49.50 |
Health & Wellness? | $107.25 | $214.50 |
Psychological & Counseling Services (PAC)? | $53.75 | $107.50 |
The SHARPP Center | $14.00 | $28.00 |
Memorial Union | $112.00 | $224.00 |
Student Recreation | $183.75 | 367.50 |
Whittemore Center | $35.25 | $70.50 |
Student Athletics | $268.75 | $537.50 |
Career & Professional Success | $24.00 | $48.00 |
Transportation | $40.00 | $80.00 |
Total Mandatory Fees for 5-11 credits | $863.50 | $1,727.00 |
Technology (Charged Separately) | $57.00 | $114.00 |
Total Mandatory Fees plus Technology Fee for 5-11 credits | $920.50 | $1,841.00 |
- Mandatory fees are not charged for students registered for 4 credits or fewer. However, those students will be charged a technology fee of $29.00 per term.
- For fee details, see Information on Fees.
- See?Room & Board for current housing & dining rates.
- See??Cost of Attendance?for total estimated expenses including indirect costs not charged by the university.
2023/2024 Tuition
? | Per Semester | Per Year | Per Credit Hour | Continuing Ed |
NH Resident | $7,760.00 | $15,520.00 | $645.00 | $471.00 |
Out-of-State Resident | $17,645.00 | $35,290.00 | $1,470.00 | $556.00 |
New England Regional Student Program1 | $13,580.00 | $27,160.00 | $1,130.00 | ? |
CEPS Engineering & Computer Science?2 | $717.00 | $1,434.00 | $60.00 | ? |
Peter T. Paul College of Business & Economics2 | $692.00 | $1,384.00 | $58.00 | ? |
Music Majors2 | $450.00 | $900.00 | ? | ? |
1NERSP information and list of eligible majors can be viewed on the NERSP website.
2Charged in addition to tuition rates for CEPS, PAUL, and Music majors.?
2023/2024 Mandatory Fees (12-20 Credits)
Fee Description | Per Semester | Per Year |
Student Activity |
$48.00 |
$96.00 |
Health? & Wellness Fee |
$207.00 |
$414.00 |
Psychological & Counseling Services (PACS) Fee |
$104.00 |
$208.00 |
$27.00 |
$54.00 |
Memorial Union |
$216.00 |
$432.00 |
Student Recreation |
$355.00 |
$710.00 |
Whittemore Center |
$68.00 |
$136.00 |
Student Athletics |
$537.50 |
$1,075.00 |
Career & Professional Success |
$46.50 |
$93.00 |
Technology Fee |
$110.00 |
$220.00 |
Transportation Fee |
$77.00 |
$154.00 |
Total Mandatory Fees for 12-20 Credits |
$1,796.00 |
$3,592.00? |
2023/2024 Mandatory Fees (5-11 credits)
Fee Description | Per Semester | Per Year |
Student Activity | $24.00 | $48.00 |
Health & Wellness Fee | $103.50 | $207.00 |
Psychological & Counseling Services (PAC) Fee | $52.00 | $104.00 |
SHARPP Fee | $13.50 | $27.00 |
Memorial Union | $108.00 | $216.00 |
Student Recreation | $177.50 | $355.00 |
Whittemore Center | $34.00 | $68.00 |
Student Athletics | $268.75 | $537.50 |
Career & Professional Success | $23.25 | $46.50 |
Technology Fee | $55.00 | $110.00 |
Transportation Fee | $38.50 | $77.00 |
Total Mandatory Fees for 5-11 credits | $898.00 | $1,796.00 |
- Mandatory fees are not charged for students registered for 4 credits or fewer. However, those students will be charged a technology fee of $28.00 per term.
- For fee details, see Information on Fees.
- See Food & Housing for current housing & dining rates