Jody Record ’95

Jody Record ’95's Articles

  • Gutsy, Tough Changemakers

    Gutsy, Tough Changemakers

    Alex Papadakis ’21 calls herself lucky. During her time at UNH she has been the recipient of several scholarships. This year that included assistance from the Lewis Family Scholarship in...
  • Whitney O’Connell ’21

    A Sense of Purpose

    Traditionally, the stories featured in 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网’s “The Places They’ll Go” are all about where new graduates are headed. Not so for Whitney O’Connell ’21. By the time she received her master’s degree...
  • Ely Marciano '21

    Prizewinning Dreams

    Before Ely Marciano’s last semester on campus, the graduating senior claimed a first by becoming the only student in the College of Liberal Arts to win the Maurice Prize for Innovation.
  • Campus aerial

    Excellent Faculty

    Every year, a chosen few of UNH’s outstanding faculty members from each college and school?receive Faculty Excellence Awards in recognition of their achievements in teaching, scholarship and service...
  • Good Beer, Good Jobs

    Good Beer, Good Jobs

    Timothy Fischer ’20 is the assistant brewer for Border X Brewing in Bell, California. Brooklyn Zielie?’21 works for Anheuser-Busch in Merrimack, New Hampshire, as a quality analyst running lab tests...
  • Travis Fischer

    Researching His Future

    Travis Fischer ’21 is into research. Specifically, research into diseases like cancer. He wants to help stop them from devastating people’s lives by working to develop new therapies and possibly be...
  • Looking through blossoms at T Hall

    Fulbrights Increase Mutual Understanding

    Seven UNH students are part of a celebrated moment in the history of scholarships as?2021 marks the 75th anniversary of the Fulbright Program,?signed into law in 1946 by President Harry S. Truman.
  • Challenged to Meet the Challenges

    Challenged to Meet the Challenges

    Grace Roy ’22 started mapping her future when she was in middle school, a future that aims to see people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol get the help, and respect, they deserve.
  • Students walking through T Hall arch

    Prestigious NSF Graduate Fellowships Awarded

    Four UNH students have received National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships, given to students pursuing master's and doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics...
  • Elizabeth Kipp ’21 outside

    Making It Work

    As a nontraditional UNH student, Elizabeth Kipp ’21 took 16 credits a semester her sophomore and junior years so she could finish her undergraduate degree in social work in three years.
  • Bill Ross showing archival collection book

    From Aliens to New Orleans

    A September night in 1961 changed the lives of Betty and Barney Hill when, while driving through?New Hampshire’s Franconia Notch area, they allegedly encountered aliens. It would become the first...
  • A photo of lumpfish in a tank

    Liking Lumpfish

    Lumpfish. That’s what was featured in the first video Nate Spada '19 ever posted to TikTok, lumpfish and their eggs. Not exactly the kind of thing you’d expect to draw much interest, let alone more...
  • aerial view of campus in the snow

    Racism In Science

    There is data that supports the racism that’s at play when more Black people than white are stopped while driving. Or denied housing in an area despite the fact that redlining became illegal in 1968...
  • group of students outside clinic where COVID vaccines were given

    Helping to End the Fear

    Early in December, when the state of New Hampshire was expecting its first shipments of COVID-19 vaccines, officials sought help with distribution. Volunteers who would assist with all aspects of the...
  • Rachel McCann '21

    Fully Immersed

    In a normal year, nursing students begin their senior practicum during the last semester before they graduate. But as COVID-19 has repeatedly proven, nothing has been normal since the pandemic began.
  • Douglas Bencks in Dimond Library

    Building Essentials

    It’s not just about the buildings. It’s about the way they all fit together. It’s about the outdoor spaces as well as the indoor. It’s about the experience the buildings create.
  • Paul College in snow

    ECenter Ideathon/Hackathon

    When some people hear the work ‘hack’ they think identity theft; compromised information, gained when someone illegally accesses their computer. But the?hackathons hosted by the Peter T. Paul...
  • graphic image of Black History Month

    Black History is American History

    “What we need is not a history of selected races or nations, but the history of the world void of national bias, race hate, and religious prejudice,” historian and author Carter Godwin Woodson said...
  • Rodrigues ‘22G marking trail

    To the Woods

    If everything goes according to plan for Krista Rodrigues ‘22G, you may come across her one day working on a trail in the Whites. If not there, then along another mountain belt. It doesn’t matter...
  • American flag

    “I Do Solemnly Swear”

    “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the...
  • Gordon Unzen '21

    A Future in Criminal Justice

    A desire to better understand how people think led Gordon Unzen ’21 to major in psychology. He added philosophy after taking social and political philosophy, and then justice studies when he realized...
  • Sophie Calderwood '22

    Hey COVID: The Show Went On

    How a theatre major adapted to virtual performing.
  • Hannah Sorensen ’22

    A Huge Step Forward

    Hannah Sorensen ’22 has been working at Portsmouth Regional Hospital as a phlebotomist for the past two years. The part-time job has her drawing the blood of patients in the emergency room, as...
  • screen shot of all the student finalists

    Challenge Met

    Heeding the advice judges offered during the 2019 Social Venture Innovation Challenge?helped a team committed to recycling garner three awards in this year’s event, an affirmation that their idea is...
  • Members of the NH House seated on Memorial Field for swearing in

    Another First

    Memorial Field is known for hosting graduates and athletes. But the event that took place on Dec. 2 was likely a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence as members of the New Hampshire House and Senate met...
  • Honoring Service, Sacrifice

    Honoring Service, Sacrifice

    With ROTC scholarship, Gary pays tribute to his father’s military service and mother’s dedication to family
  • Mary Kate Munley '21

    Researching the Sea

    First there was walking the beach with her mother, crabbing with her father, and falling in love with the sea. Then carrying that love through high school, into her college career. From there, Mary...
  • Associate professor Brent Bell teaching class outside

    Small Problems

    During the 2020 spring semester, when the coronavirus shut down the UNH campus, Brent Bell had to figure out how to keep teaching his wilderness first responder course, which typically includes trips...
  • T Hall tower

    Sustaining Platinum

    When it comes to sustainability you can never have too much validation, particularly when it recognizes a commitment that runs deep, as it does at UNH. The latest distinction comes from ?the...
  • Amy Ramage outside of Hewitt Hall

    COVID and the Brain

    In the early days of COVID-19, as people were trying to filter the onslaught of information and what it meant to them, Amy Ramage was focused on their brains. Or more specifically, the brains of...
  • A Clearer Vision of History

    A Clearer Vision of History

    Columbus Day became a national holiday in 1937. It would be more than 50 years later — and 500 since Columbus arrived in America — before people came to officially recognize the impact the foreign?...
  • Electing a President: History Repeats Itself

    Electing a President: History Repeats Itself

    We’ve heard all the adjectives describing the 2020 election climate — challenging times; tumultuous times; unprecedented times; even, times of unprecedented challenges.
  • Outdoor Groupies

    Outdoor Groupies

    Grace McCulloch ’21 is a self-proclaimed groupie. But not the celebrity fan kind. As a wildlife and conservation biology major, being involved with the UNH Extension program Nature Groupie is an...
  • GERMS 101

    GERMS 101

    It’s not that Davida Margolin had a crystal ball or whatever one might need to predict the future?when she was preparing to teach this semester. It’s all right there in the science: how a coronavirus...
  • From Farm-to-Fork to Hunger

    From Farm-to-Fork to Hunger

    Alexandra Papadakis ’21 has long been interested in food. When she started at UNH, she thought that interest would take her in the direction of how it’s grown, harvested, marketed, consumed— that...
  • Kenneth Holmes

    Honesty, Transparency And Tough Love

    Kenneth Holmes, senior vice provost for student life, talks with 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 about his new role.
  • Tamara Marcus holding a banner during protest march

    A Movement Not A Moment

    Tamara Marcus knows that if there isn’t a way to address a problem, you find one. A Ph.D. candidate at UNH, Marcus helped cofound the Advocates for Social Justice in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
  • Students carry belongings into dorm

    Move-in Days

    The first day of school never looked like this. Neither has any other?move-in day.
  • Nadine Petty

    The Work Begins With Us

    Nadine Petty is UNH’s new chief diversity officer and associate vice president for community, equity and diversity. She comes to us from the University of Iowa where she was the executive director of...
  • Morgan Saidel looking through telescope at Cornell University

    Reaching for a Galaxy Far, Far Away

    After her first semester at UNH, Morgan Saidel was miserable. It took a course in astronomy for her to realize it was because she had ignored her instincts to reach for the stars.
  • “Yours For The Building”

    “Yours For The Building”

    “For more than 30 years, John Lewis has had an unwavering commitment to the civil rights movement,” then-UNH President Dale Nitzschke said in his 1994 introduction of that year’s commencement speaker...
  • Abigail Baker

    Being Part of the Wave

    There’s a pretty big gap between a career in design research and one in occupational therapy, but Abigail Baker has found herself a bridge. Not only that, she’s been awarded a $10,000 scholarship to...
  • Kate Slater

    A World Shaped By Race

    In the two months since George Floyd was killed by police, protesters have continued to call for change. They might not march every day in every city, but they are still marching.
  • Wildcat statue wearing protective mask

    Looking Toward Fall

    If this were any other year, we wouldn’t be talking about plans to reopen UNH in the fall. It would never have closed. During any other summer, campus would be teeming with activity as a mix of...
  • Daniel DiRocco '20

    Falling in Love with Chemistry

    Editor’s note: This is one in a series we call “The Places They’ll Go” that has graduating seniors sharing their plans for the future. ? Daniel DiRocco ’20 was always into biology. He goes so far as...
  • Early Activism

    Early Activism

    Ronelle Tshiela ’21 has a friend who never drives with anything in his pockets. He keeps his license and registration on the dashboard so if he gets stopped by the police he doesn’t have to reach...
  • Students in Caitlin Mills course on daydreaming

    Boring It's Not

    A course in the science of daydreaming got Lauren Flynn ’20 thinking about the creativity that can bloom when our minds are free to wander. That led to a research position in the?affect, cognition...
  • Sean Sutherlin '21

    Helping His City

    Sean Sutherlin ’21 is from Minnesota. He lives in a small city outside of Minneapolis, where protests sparked by the death of George Floyd in May led to rioting and looting. On the fourth day — once...
  • sign that reads: Black Lives Matter

    "We Must All Protest"

    In a 1967 speech, Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “A riot is the language of the unheard.” He went on to ask what America had failed to hear.?
  • David Walker ’20 in the cell culture hood.

    Proving the Naysayers Wrong

    The messages we receive when we’re young can stay with us — the things people tell us or suggest are true. David Walker ’20 came out of high school thinking he wasn’t “intelligent enough” to go into...
Jody Record
Communications and Public Affairs