Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Kathryn Sampson '19, an English Teaching major at UNH Manchester, was searching online for summer?course offerings?when she discovered the Cambridge Study Program. The six-week program brings students to Gonville and Caius College at the University of Cambridge in England for courses in English literature, writing, and history.

Sampson seized the opportunity, and is currently abroad?taking an English course about?the Tudor Dynasty and a history course about famous Cambridge scientists, namely?Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin. Sampson and her study away group have also taken time to explore other regions of England.

"We've traveled to see Shakespeare plays put on by the Royal Shakespeare Company at the historic Globe Theatre in London?as well as in Shakespeare's?birthplace of Stratford-upon-Avon," Sampson says.

The group will also be traveling to Darwin's Down House and?the coastal?town of Dover, as well as?to Scotland for a weekend. Sampson says these experiences will help her in both her academic and professional careers.

Study Away

"In English teaching, I feel that this insight will make me better able to teach someone this kind of?material," Sampson says. "Especially with Shakespeare, as being?able to see the plays and understand the history at the time allows for a deeper understanding of the Shakespearean language and context."

Sampson says the experience has been incredible for the education and exploration, but also because the University of Cambridge's summer program brings together students from all over the world. Her advice to other students interested in studying abroad: "Do it!"

"As a transfer student, I didn't know if I'd be able to study abroad and stay on track to graduate," Sampson says. "The summer program allowed me?to have the study abroad?experience while still?getting the courses I need for my major."