Fulbright scholar learning how to save the planet

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


Madison Wood ’19 wants to be part of the solution to climate change problems. Last summer, the chemical engineering major attended the Fulbright Summer Institute in the United Kingdom, where she took a course on climate change and conducted fieldwork.?

“It really encouraged me to keep working hard to become a chemical engineer, to apply what I’m learning to save our planet and combat climate change,” she says.

Now she’s conducting research of her own here on campus, looking at a specific type of catalyst that potentially could be modified to make it more effective for methane conversion. Wood says the research experience is giving her new skills that she applies in her classes. “As an undergrad, a lot of people don’t have that," she says, "and I think it’s super valuable.”

Wood's love of the outdoors helps fuel her drive to create sustainable energy solutions: “Looking around at the scenery, I want this to still be here in hundreds of years.”

Scott Ripley | UNH Marketing | scott.ripley@unh.edu | 603-862-1855
Kasey Glode | Communications and Public Affairs