Tori Wyman, '21

2019/20 Social Innovation Intern - Piscataqua Savings Bank
Tori Wyman

Tori Wyman interned for Piscataqua Savings Bank in the summer of 2020 to help implement best practices outlined by the UNH B Impact Clinic team in the semester prior, for which she served as a peer mentor. At the time of her internship, Piscataqua Saving Bank was one of only two banks in the state to have reached B Corp certification and had already made tremendous improvements in their recertification efforts. In 2019, Tori interned for REVERB, via the Concort Corps program, a non-profit dedicated to empowering millions of individuals to take action toward a better future for people and the planet. Tori coordinated staffing, training and onsite activities for their program called “RockNRefill”, aimed to provide an alternative to purchasing single use plastic water bottles. The program gave out Nalgene water bottles and provided refills to concert goers in exchange for a nominal donation. As a Business Administration student with an option in Management, and a minor in Environmental Conservation and Sustainability, Tori eagerly undertook the opportunities to engage with companies and organizations that shared her passion for business, social responsibility and community.

View Tori's presentation from the 2020 showcase??|??View Tori's?presentation from the 2019 showcase? | View Tori's spring 2020 B Impact Clinic Team?Presentation