Jill Durkin ‘22

Fall 2021 B Impact Clinic
Jill Durkin Headshot

Jill was a Finance and Economics major. She focused on sustainable business throughout her time at UNH and gained valuable experience as a teaching assistant for Business Ethics and a peer mentor in the B Impact Clinic. She also competed at the International Business Ethics and Sustainability Case Competition where she presented on the value of gender diversity in upper management in banking. Additionally, Jill completed her summer?fellowship with Prime Buchholz through the UNH Sustainability Fellows program. She worked with the firm part time on ESG and DEI reporting. When she is not in class, she can be found riding?dirtbikes, practicing yoga, playing guitar, or campaigning against disposable straws at Starbucks where she works. During the?fall 2021 B Impact Clinic, Jill worked on the Allagash Brewing Company team.??