Alec Rucker

2018 Sustainability Fellow - Solar Roadmap Research and Planning?|?City of Cambridge, MA
Alec Rucker Headshot

Alec worked with the City of Cambridge, MA on developing a road map to increase solar energy generation within the city. He investigated barriers to solar conversion, including economic and technical challenges, analyzed successful installation projects, and interviewed key stakeholders in the community. Alec worked with city planners to develop solutions to address these barriers, and prioritize recommendations based on feasibility and potential impact. Alec was also able to estimate a solar energy cost curve for the city, which will help city planners devise cost effective solutions to achieve their solar energy development goals. Alec completed his Fellowship after recently finishing a bachelors in economics and environmental sciences from the University of Massachusetts, Boston where he researched the applicability of a solar rooftop on campus.For his senior capstone, he helped devise a hypothetical one hundred percent renewable energy portfolio for the small island nation of Mauritius. Alec was delighted to be able to use his research experience from the university to provide insight to how Cambridge can achieve its solar energy development goals.