One Wildcat's sustainability journey

Kailei Wedge graduated in 2024 with a B.S. in Environmental Conservation and Sustainability and a minor in Justice Studies. Kailei?is the Sustainability Institute's first?Post-Undergraduate Sustainability Innovation Fellow and we caught up with her to hear more about her sustainability journey.

Kailei headshot

How and why did you get interested in sustainability??

I have always been an environmentalist, to some degree since I can remember, but my interest in sustainability really solidified during my junior year of high school when I was taking AP Environmental Science. It was a very general course that covered a variety of topics, but my teacher was very passionate, so I looked forward to that class every day. Not only is this the only earth we have, so it’s important we know how to do our part for it, but the material I was learning was way more interesting to me than my other classes. For once, I had a clear vision that I wanted to do work for the environment. That class influenced me to consider UNH for the Environmental Conservation and Sustainability program.??

You were a Sustainability Institute intern during your undergrad years. What were the highlights of that experience; biggest take-away??

One of the standout aspects of my experience as a Zero Waste intern was attending various conferences and talks, where I had the privilege of connecting with inspiring individuals from across the sustainability sector.

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A highlight was participating in the 2023 Students for Zero Waste Conference at Swarthmore College, organized by the Post-Landfill Action Network. At this event, I spoke on a panel, heard inspiring stories, and engaged with remarkable people. I will rarely say no to events like those just because of the sheer enjoyment of being surrounded by people with as much passion for the environment and sustainability as I do.??

My key takeaway is that even seemingly small sustainability projects significantly contribute to broader change. Every initiative, on campus or elsewhere, ignites discussion, inspires innovation, and drives action. Ultimately, increased awareness and engagement fuel real-world impact.??

people masked at an event

Tell us about your role now as the Post-Undergraduate Sustainability Innovation Fellow.??

?I oversee and mentor teams on projects such as Zero Waste, Ecosystems: Pollinator, and Cat Trax. My role involves clarifying project goals and deliverables, ensuring timely progress, and providing general support. Additionally, I support the Institute at tabling events, by engaging with UNH community members, and assisting wherever else is needed.?

What has surprised you or been the most fun so far??

I thrive on managing multiple projects simultaneously because it keeps me constantly engaged and never bored! The diversity of each project offers a refreshing variety, allowing me to experience and contribute to a wide range of developments.?

What do you hope to get out of this role personally and professionally??

Personally, I would just love to keep learning. There are many aspects to these projects that I haven’t been a part of in the past, so now learning how certain systems work or what plants are best for bees versus butterflies, has been very interesting. Professionally, I am looking forward to expanding my project management skills. Not only do I have tasks of my own, but being there for other interns to rely on and motivate with their own projects is a big part of my role.??

group of people standing together cheering

What do you hope to accomplish during your time in this role??

I would love to bring about more awareness around the Intern’s projects. There is amazing work being done that sometimes goes unnoticed by members outside of the Sustainability Institute, and the interns deserve to be recognized for all they do. Additionally, throughout my time in this role I hope to be someone the interns feel confident in going to for guidance and advice. It has not been long at all since I was in their shoes, so I hope I am able to offer them strong mentorship with an understanding that I too have been in their position.?

What is your advice for those who may be interested in sustainability, but don't know where to start??

Initiate conversations with others, attend sustainability talks, connect with individuals in the sustainability community, and engage in service opportunities that promote sustainability. Learning fuels passions and sparks more interest, so push yourself to find that space to discuss sustainability. And if you can’t find that space, create it!

Sustainability spans across countless sectors which means everyone can have a conversation about it.??

Learn more about how you can get involved in sustainability during your undergrad years at UNH.
