Caila Kilson-Kuchtic '21

by College for Social Innovation
Caila headshot

Since 2016, the University of New Hampshire has affiliated with the Boston non-profit, College for Social Innovation (CfSI) to bring the Semester in the City?(SITC) program to undergraduates where they have the opportunity to earn 16 UNH credits while spending a semester in Boston in a rigorous 30+ hour per week internship with a leading social change organization. CfSI recently caught up with fall 2020 cohort alumna,?Caila Kilson-Kuchtic '21, (Communication major, Public Health minor) who interned with Project Hope while at SITC, and now works at JSI Research & Training Institute.

CfSI: What are you up to??

Caila: ?I'm currently working as a Project Associate at JSI, a public health consulting firm in Boston. My two primary projects focus on health information technology and maternal mortality prevention. I am also actively engaged in strategic business groups and business developments that are centered on racial and health equity.

CfSI: Do you have any words of wisdom for fellow SITC alumni?

Caila: The last three years have been challenging for all of us in different ways. Whether you came to SITC as a Fellow in the height of the pandemic or more recently, I think it's fair to say we have all learned how to adapt in a world filled with uncertainty. Keep marching on! Continue to be resilient.

CfSI: What is something you learned from your SITC experience that has stuck with you since?

Caila: SITC is an experience that is unmatched. SITC taught me the importance of networking and supported me in developing necessary skills to network in diverse settings. Making connections with people has become one of my core values because of my semester in Boston.?

Interested in Semester in the City? Learn more.