Ashley Gonzalez

Ashley Gonzalez

University of New Hampshire
McNair Scholar, 2015
Major:?Sociology and International Affairs
Mentor:?Dr. Charlie Putnam and Dr. Barbara White,?Department of Occupational Therapy
Research Title:?Determining How Women of Color Perceive Interactions with the Police

The purpose of this study is to conduct research on how police practice has effects on students at the University of New Hampshire (UNH). This will be a comparative study focusing specifically on how women of color perceive police practice through their own personal experience and social understanding of what they expect police behavior to be. The study will determine if personal or peer interactions that women of color have with the police are positive or negative. The view of any racial group at UNH may bring in factors that may conclude certain things that police can do differently in order to promote justice in the community. This research topic was provoked by the current issues of police presented in the media in Ferguson, Missouri and other current protest of police behavior all over the United States.?

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