Student Senate

Student Senate
Campus aerial

The Student Senate?is the official voice of the?undergraduate?Student Body at the University of New Hampshire.

The Student Senate and the various offices and officials underneath it work to advocate for student concerns and to sway the Administration to act in the best interests of the Student Body. The Student Senate, autonomous of the Administration, also controls the annually collected Student Activity Fee, a mandatory fee that all undergraduate students pay to fund student activities and events. The Student Senate also must approve changes to the Student Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities, and reviews other sections of the SRRR and the Student Code of Conduct.


Our Meetings

6:00 PM Eastern, every Sunday evening in PAUL 165.

Student Senate does not meet on 3-day weekends, holidays, or if otherwise posted.


The Student Senate is led by a group of students who are dedicated to the betterment of the Student Body.?

Meet the Student Body Leaders


A collection of helpful documents, links, and other resources that are related to the Student Senate.

View Resources


Submit Your Issue

Have you identified or experienced an issue on campus? Please let us know by completing this form.

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