Resources for Faculty

Classroom Presentations

It is important to us that the values of service and community engagement be woven into the fibers of the UNH experience. One way we work to introduce students to these values and opportunities is through classroom presentations. We have a few examples of presentations below, but we can design something specifically for your group.

To request a presentation, email Megan at

Community Engagement at UNH

Duration: 15 minutes | Can be offered virtually

A brief overview of the Civic & Community Engagement offerings at UNH, including upcoming opportunities to get involved.

Civic & Community Engagement 101

Duration: 30 minutes | Can be offered virtually

A brief?overview of volunteerism and social change as concepts, followed by UNH-specific opportunities for involvement.

Paths of Public Service

Duration: 45-60 minutes

An interactive workshop in which students can begin to determine what their personal contribution to the community and to the world might look like. They'll explore some general ideas of what each path to service looks like, and then learn about specific examples here at UNH.
Paths of Public Service Worksheet