Grade Rules


See detailed information about the University Grading Policy, System, Appeals and Changes in the academic catalog.

Incomplete (IC)

A notation of incomplete (IC) shall be recorded on a student’s record only if a major portion of the entire work of the course has been completed and if the instructor approves the student’s request for additional time to complete the coursework. The initiation and responsibility for finishing the incomplete work rests with the student.

When the work of the course has been completed, a final grade for the term will be submitted on a special grade form to the student’s college dean. The form indicating completion of the work must be filed with the Registrar no later than the middle of the semester immediately following the one in which the incomplete was granted. A petition requesting an extension of time beyond mid-semester, if approved by the instructor, may be submitted to the dean of the student’s college. An extension will be granted by the dean only under unusual circumstances.

If the work is not completed within the specified time, the grade will be recorded as F. Note: An Incomplete in a student's final semester will delay graduation date even if the course is not required for graduation.

IX Grade

  • No Final Grades were submitted by the instructor (or were received from the instructor after grades were updated).
  • The instructor did not assign a grade to an individual student or a small group of students.
    • ? Grades cannot be recorded until they are submitted to the Registrar's Office.
    • ? Late grades are usually updated within 24 hours of receipt and are immediately available in Webcat.
    • ? If a student needs proof of a grade, they will need to order a?transcript?or print a copy of their grade(s) from?Webcat.

Pass/Fail Grading

Undergraduate degree candidates only.

  • Pass/Fail Grading policy
  • Download or pick up a?Pass/Fail Form?from the Registrar's Office, have your advisor sign it, and return the form to the Registrar's Office BEFORE the end of the Add Period of a given term or semester.
