Course Management CIM

Curriculum review and approval is a continuous process that takes place throughout the academic year.

2025/2026 Deadline:

February 1, 2025 - Proposals at Provost Office Workflow Step in CIM.

Proposals must be at this step in workflow no later than this deadline to be reviewed for approval and inclusion in the 2025/2026 Academic Catalog.

Course Management

Propose New Courses, including proposals for new Discovery Program, CPSO General Education, Honors and Writing Intensive courses.

Step 1: Prepare Proposal Requirements

  • Preview Course Proposal Form
  • Course Syllabus and/or Outcomes Map (proposal attachments) - Guidelines
  • Course Level Learning Outcomes
  • Course Description - Guidelines
  • Justification statement for course proposal
  • Letters of Support if applicable (proposal attachments)

Step 2: Complete & Submit Proposal in CIM

  • Login to CIM Course Management
  • Select 'Propose New Course'
  • Complete Form
  • Select 'Save Changes' to save/complete later or 'Start Workflow' to submit proposal for approval.
  • Login to CIM Course Management anytime to view proposal progress through workflow.

Step 3: Workflow

The automated approval process in CIM is called the workflow. Once the green Start Workflow Button is clicked, the proposal will begin the approval workflow process. As reviewers in each step approve the proposal it will automatically move to the next step of the workflow and the next reviewer will be notified via an automated email that the proposal is ready for review.

Login to CIM Course Management anytime to view proposal progress through workflow.

Approval Workflow for New Courses:

  1. Department Committee Approval (if applicable)
  2. Department Chair Approval
  3. College Curricular Committee Approval
  4. College Dean Approval
  5. If Discovery Course: Discovery Program Approval
  6. If Writing Intensive Course: Writing Program Approval
  7. If Honors Course: Honors Program Approval
  8. If Undergraduate Level Course: University Undergraduate Education Committee Approval
  9. If Graduate Level Course: Graduate School Dean Approval
  10. Provost Approval
  11. Notification of Approval
  12. Registrar Approval (processing)

Once a proposal has been fully reviewed and approved, the approved course will sync with Banner, CourseLeaf CLSS and the appropriate Academic Catalog at the time of the indicated effective academic year.?

Step 1: Prepare Proposal Requirements

  • Course Syllabus (proposal attachment) - Guidelines
  • Justification statement for course modification
  • Letters of Support if applicable (proposal attachment)

Step 2: Complete & Submit Proposal in CIM

  • Login to CIM Course Management
  • Search and Select Existing Course
  • Review Course Ecosystem (displays at top of the course preview), review for any courses/programs that may be impacted by the modification.
  • Select 'Edit Course'
  • Complete Form
  • Select 'Save Changes' to save/complete later or 'Start Workflow' to submit proposal for approval.
  • Login to CIM Course Management anytime to view proposal progress through workflow.

Step 3: Workflow

The automated approval process in CIM is called the workflow. Once the green Start Workflow Button is clicked, the proposal will begin the approval workflow process. As reviewers in each step approve the proposal it will automatically move to the next step of the workflow and the next reviewer will be notified via an automated email that the proposal is ready for review.

Login to CIM Course Management anytime to view proposal progress through workflow.

Approval Workflow for Course Modifications:

  1. Department Committee Approval (if applicable)
  2. Department Chair Approval
  3. College Curricular Committee Approval
  4. College Dean Approval
  5. If Discovery Course: Discovery Program Approval
  6. If Writing Intensive Course: Writing Program Approval
  7. If Honors Course: Honors Program Approval
  8. If Undergraduate Level Course: University Undergraduate Education Committee Approval
  9. If Graduate Level Course: Graduate School Dean Approval
  10. Provost Approval
  11. Notification of Approval
  12. Registrar Approval (processing)

Once a proposal has been fully reviewed and approved, the approved course will sync with Banner and the appropriate Academic Catalog at the time of the indicated effective academic year.?

Step 1: Prepare Proposal Requirements

  • Justification statement for course inactivation
  • Letters of Support if applicable (proposal attachment)

Step 2: Complete & Submit Proposal in CIM

  • Login to CIM Course Management
  • Search and Select Existing Course
  • Review Course Ecosystem (displays at top of the course preview), review for any courses/programs that may be impacted by the inactivation.
  • Select 'Inactivate' (red button)
  • Complete Form
  • Select 'Save and Start Workflow' to submit proposal for approval.
  • Login to CIM Course Management anytime to view proposal progress through workflow.

Step 3: Workflow

The automated approval process in CIM is called the workflow. Once the green Start Workflow Button is clicked, the proposal will begin the approval workflow process. As reviewers in each step approve the proposal it will automatically move to the next step of the workflow and the next reviewer will be notified via an automated email that the proposal is ready for review.

Login to CIM Course Management anytime to view proposal progress through workflow.

Approval Workflow for Course Inactivation:

  1. Department Committee Approval (if applicable)
  2. Department Chair Approval
  3. College Curricular Committee Approval
  4. College Dean Approval
  5. If Discovery Course: Discovery Program Approval
  6. If Writing Intensive Course: Writing Program Approval
  7. If Honors Course: Honors Program Approval
  8. If Undergraduate Level Course: University Undergraduate Education Committee Approval
  9. If Graduate Level Course: Graduate School Dean Approval
  10. Provost Approval
  11. Notification of Approval
  12. Registrar Approval (processing)

Once a proposal has been fully reviewed and approved, the approved course will sync with Banner and the appropriate Academic Catalog at the time of the indicated effective academic year.?

Step 1: Prepare Proposal Requirements

  • Course Syllabus (proposal attachment) - Guidelines
  • Justification statement for course reactivation
  • Letters of Support if applicable (proposal attachment)

Step 2: Complete & Submit Proposal in CIM

  • Login to CIM Course Management
  • Search and Select Course
  • Select 'Reactivate'
  • Complete Form
  • Select 'Save Changes' to save/complete later or 'Start Workflow' to submit proposal for approval.
  • Login to CIM Course Management anytime to view proposal progress through workflow.

Step 3: Workflow

The automated approval process in CIM is called the workflow. Once the green Start Workflow Button is clicked, the proposal will begin the approval workflow process. As reviewers in each step approve the proposal it will automatically move to the next step of the workflow and the next reviewer will be notified via an automated email that the proposal is ready for review.

Login to CIM Course Management anytime to view proposal progress through workflow.

Approval Workflow for Course Reactivations:

  1. Department Committee Approval (if applicable)
  2. Department Chair Approval
  3. College Curricular Committee Approval
  4. College Dean Approval
  5. If Discovery Course: Discovery Program Approval
  6. If Writing Intensive Course: Writing Program Approval
  7. If Honors Course: Honors Program Approval
  8. If Undergraduate Level Course: University Undergraduate Education Committee Approval
  9. If Graduate Level Course: Graduate School Dean Approval
  10. Provost Approval
  11. Notification of Approval
  12. Registrar Approval (processing)

Once a proposal has been fully reviewed and approved, the approved course will sync with Banner and the appropriate Academic Catalog at the time of the indicated effective academic year.?

Special course fees are charged to students to recover the extraordinary costs of materials and supplies not normally covered by the instructional budget and fundamental to the special instructional activities associated with a specific course. These fees are listed in the course schedule and are assessed to all students in the course. Billing and collection of special course fees are managed through student billing and should not be collected by a department or faculty member. Special course fees must be used solely for support of the courses the fee is approved.

Course Special Fee Policy

Follow the below steps to add, change or delete special course fees.

Step 1: Prepare Request Requirements

  • Itemized justification for course special fee (required attachment)
  • Banner Account Information

Step 2: Complete & Submit Request in CIM

  • Login to CIM Miscellaneous Management
  • Select 'Propose New Miscellaneous'
  • Request Type: Select 'Special Course Fee'
  • Request Title: enter... [Add, Change, or Delete] Fee + Subject Code + Course Number
    E.g.? 'Add Fee HLS 565'
  • Complete Form
  • Select 'Save Changes' to save/complete later or 'Start Workflow' to save/submit request for approval.
  • Login to CIM Miscellaneous Management anytime to view request progress through workflow.

Step 3: Workflow

The automated approval process in CIM is called the workflow. Once the green Start Workflow Button is clicked, the request will begin the approval workflow process. As reviewers in each step approve the request it will automatically move to the next step of the workflow and the next reviewer will be notified via an automated email that the request is ready for review.

Login to CIM Miscellaneous Management anytime to view request progress through workflow.

Approval Workflow for Special Course Fees:

  1. Registrar Proposal Precheck Approval
  2. Department Chair Approval
  3. College Dean Approval
  4. Finance Group Approval (enters Banner account information)
  5. Provost Approval
  6. Student Accounts Approval (processing)
  7. Registrar Approval (processing)
  8. Notification of Approval

Subject Prefix Policy

This policy establishes protocols for the approval and creation of subject prefixes for courses and disciplines maintained in the student information system, academic catalog and in student records. Course subject prefixes are proposed through the official curriculum change process. The request must be approved by the department, college/school, and Provost Office.

Course prefixes are created as four-character academic subject prefixes in the course catalog (e.g. HIST, ENGL). They have a corresponding short description limited to 30 characters and formal (long) description limited to 50 characters (these should match even if truncation is necessary).

  • Most commonly, new subject prefixes are proposed and created in conjunction with a new academic major or program.
  • Course subject prefixes are assigned to academic organizations (most commonly to academic departments, but may be created for colleges, centers, etc.) for purposes of review and reporting.
  • Course subject prefixes reflect a discipline or field of study.
  • Subject prefixes do not begin with or include the type of academic organization (e.g. C for Center, D for Department) or degree type (e.g., M for master’s, B for bachelor’s).
  • Subject prefixes are not created for only one or two specialized courses within a broader discipline. Use the primary discipline subject code, when feasible, to facilitate class searches and readability of transcripts.
  • Unique course subject prefixes are not approved for the same disciplines or subject descriptions (e.g., interdisciplinary subjects offered by more than one department).
  • Course subject prefixes are not approved on an experimental or interim basis. Rather, trial or temporary courses are offered under existing department or program course subject prefixes.
  • Changes to existing or proposals for new course subject prefixes are not approved for the sole purpose of marketing or differentiation of offerings based on instruction mode, tuition, or location.
  • Changes to existing subject prefixes may be proposed when academic programs or disciplines are approved for name changes and the existing prefixes are no longer relevant. Upon approval, active courses under the former subject prefix are recreated with the new subject prefix. Courses with the former subject prefix are inactivated and systematically linked to courses with the new subject prefix for purposes of repeatability, grade replacement, degree audit, etc.

Approved 10/03/2022, Provost Office, SVPAA

Subject Prefix Proposal


Step 1: Prepare Request Requirements

  • Justification statement for request

Step 2: Complete & Submit Request in CIM

  • Login to CIM Miscellaneous Management Dashboard
  • Select 'Propose New Miscellaneous'
  • Request Type: Select 'Subject Prefix Request'
  • Request Title: enter [New Subject Prefix] or [Inactivate Subject Prefix - Code]
  • Complete Form
  • Select 'Save Changes' to save/complete later or 'Start Workflow' to submit request for approval.
  • Return to the CIM Miscellaneous Management Dashboard anytime to view request progress through workflow.

Step 3: Workflow

The automated approval process in CIM is called the workflow. Once the green Start Workflow Button is clicked, the request will begin the approval workflow process. As reviewers in each step approve the request it will automatically move to the next step of the workflow and the next reviewer will be notified via an automated email that the request is ready for review.

Approval Workflow for Subject Prefix Requests:

  1. Registrar Proposal Precheck Approval
  2. College Dean Approval
  3. Notification of Approval
  4. Registrar (processing)?

Designated Course Types

The Discovery Program oversees the development and approval of Discovery Program designated courses.

Proposing a Discovery Program Course

Step 1: Review & Prepare Proposal Requirements

Step 2: Complete & Submit Proposal in CIM

  • Login to CIM Course Management
  • Select 'Propose New Course' or Search for an existing course to propose adding a Discovery Category designation.
  • Complete Form
  • Select 'Save Changes' to save/complete later or 'Start Workflow' to submit proposal for approval.
  • Login to CIM Course Management anytime to view proposal progress through workflow.

Step 3: Workflow

The automated approval process in CIM is called the workflow. Once the green Start Workflow Button is clicked, the proposal will begin the approval workflow process. As reviewers in each step approve the proposal it will automatically move to the next step of the workflow and the next reviewer will be notified via an automated email that the proposal is ready for review.

Login to CIM Course Management anytime to view proposal progress through workflow.

Approval Workflow for Courses:

  1. Department Committee Approval (if applicable)
  2. Department Chair Approval
  3. College Curricular Committee Approval
  4. College Dean Approval
  5. If Discovery Course: Discovery Program Approval
  6. If Writing Intensive Course: Writing Program Approval
  7. If Honors Course: Honors Program Approval
  8. University Undergraduate Education Committee Approval
  9. Provost Approval
  10. Notification of Approval
  11. Registrar Approval (processing)

Once a proposal has been fully reviewed and approved, the approved course will sync with Banner and the appropriate Academic Catalog at the time of the indicated effective academic year.?


The College of Professional Studies oversees the development and approval of CPSO General Education designated courses.

Proposing a CPSO General Education Course

Step 1: Review & Prepare Proposal Requirements

  • Course Syllabus (proposal attachment) - Guidelines
  • Course Learning Outcomes
  • Course Description (new courses) - Guidelines
  • Justification statement for course proposal
  • Letters of Support/Additional Documentation if applicable (proposal attachments)

Step 2: Complete & Submit Proposal in CIM

  • Login to CIM Course Management
  • Select 'Propose New Course' or Search for an existing course to propose adding a CPSO Gen Ed Category designation.
  • Complete Form
  • Select 'Save Changes' to save/complete later or 'Start Workflow' to submit proposal for approval.
  • Login to CIM Course Management anytime to view proposal progress through workflow.

Step 3: Workflow

The automated approval process in CIM is called the workflow. Once the green Start Workflow Button is clicked, the proposal will begin the approval workflow process. As reviewers in each step approve the proposal it will automatically move to the next step of the workflow and the next reviewer will be notified via an automated email that the proposal is ready for review.

Login to CIM Course Management anytime to view proposal progress through workflow.

Approval Workflow for Courses:

  1. Department Committee Approval (if applicable)
  2. Department Chair Approval
  3. College Curricular Committee Approval
  4. College Dean Approval
  5. If Discovery Course: Discovery Program Approval
  6. If Writing Intensive Course: Writing Program Approval
  7. If Honors Course: Honors Program Approval
  8. University Undergraduate Education Committee Approval
  9. Provost Approval
  10. Notification of Approval
  11. Registrar Approval (processing)

Once a proposal has been fully reviewed and approved, the approved course will sync with Banner and the appropriate Academic Catalog at the time of the indicated effective academic year.?

The Hamel Honors and Scholars College??oversees the development and approval of Honors designated courses.

Proposing a Honors Course

Step 1: Prepare Proposal Requirements

  • Honors Course Types
  • Course Syllabus (proposal attachment) - Guidelines
  • Course Learning Outcomes
  • Course Description (new courses) - Guidelines
  • Justification statement for course proposal
  • Letters of Support/Additional Documentation if applicable (proposal attachments)

Step 2: Complete & Submit Proposal in CIM

  • Login to CIM Course Management
  • Select 'Propose New Course' or Search for an existing course to propose adding the Honors designation.
  • Complete Form
  • Select 'Save Changes' to save/complete later or 'Start Workflow' to submit proposal for approval.
  • Login to CIM Course Management anytime to view proposal progress through workflow.

Step 3: Workflow

The automated approval process in CIM is called the workflow. Once the green Start Workflow Button is clicked, the proposal will begin the approval workflow process. As reviewers in each step approve the proposal it will automatically move to the next step of the workflow and the next reviewer will be notified via an automated email that the proposal is ready for review.

Login to CIM Course Management anytime to view proposal progress through workflow.

Approval Workflow for Courses:

  1. Department Committee Approval (if applicable)
  2. Department Chair Approval
  3. College Curricular Committee Approval
  4. College Dean Approval
  5. If Discovery Course: Discovery Program Approval
  6. If Writing Intensive Course: Writing Program Approval
  7. If Honors Course: Hamel Honors and Scholars College Approval
  8. University Undergraduate Education Committee Approval
  9. Provost Approval
  10. Notification of Approval
  11. Registrar Approval (processing)

Once a proposal has been fully reviewed and approved, the approved course will sync with Banner and the appropriate Academic Catalog at the time of the indicated effective academic year.?


The Writing Program oversees the development and approval of Writing Intensive (WI) designated courses.

Proposing a Writing Intensive Course

Step 1: Prepare Proposal Requirements

Step 2: Complete & Submit Proposal in CIM

  • Login to CIM Course Management
  • Select 'Propose New Course' or Search for an existing course to propose adding the Writing Intensive designation.
  • Complete Form
  • Select 'Save Changes' to save/complete later or 'Start Workflow' to submit proposal for approval.
  • Login to CIM Course Management anytime to view proposal progress through workflow.

Step 3: Workflow

The automated approval process in CIM is called the workflow. Once the green Start Workflow Button is clicked, the proposal will begin the approval workflow process. As reviewers in each step approve the proposal it will automatically move to the next step of the workflow and the next reviewer will be notified via an automated email that the proposal is ready for review.

Login to CIM Course Management anytime to view proposal progress through workflow.

Approval Workflow for Courses:

  1. Department Committee Approval (if applicable)
  2. Department Chair Approval
  3. College Curricular Committee Approval
  4. College Dean Approval
  5. If Discovery Course: Discovery Program Approval
  6. If Writing Intensive Course: Writing Program Approval
  7. If Honors Course: Honors Program Approval
  8. University Undergraduate Education Committee Approval
  9. Provost Approval
  10. Notification of Approval
  11. Registrar Approval (processing)

Once a proposal has been fully reviewed and approved, the approved course will sync with Banner and the appropriate Academic Catalog at the time of the indicated effective academic year.?


Courses Not Taught - University Course Inactivation Policy


To outline procedures for inactivating university courses not taught within a specified period, ensuring compliance with New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) standards, and maintaining a current and relevant course catalog, program requirements and accurate degree audit. This process adheres to NECHE Standard Nine: Integrity, Transparency, and Public Disclosure, 9.21.


This policy applies to all academic departments and units within the university responsible for offering credit-bearing courses.

Policy Statement

Courses that have not been taught for three consecutive academic years will be reviewed and inactivated by the Office of the Registrar to keep the university’s academic catalog, program course requirements/electives course lists and degree audit system accurate and up to date.


Annual Review: The Office of the Registrar is responsible for maintaining the university course inventory data. During the Summer, the Office of the Registrar conducts an annual review and notification, known as the ‘Courses Not Taught Inactivation Report’, to identify courses not taught in the past three consecutive academic years.

Criteria for Course Identification: Courses that meet any of the following criteria will be included in the ‘Courses Not Taught Inactivation Report’:

  • Courses not scheduled (not taught)
  • Courses scheduled but cancelled (not taught)
  • Courses scheduled but with zero enrollment (not taught)

Inactivation Process:

  • Courses will be formally inactivated in university systems (CIM, Catalog, Banner, DegreeWorks) by the Registrar’s Office before the start of the next academic year.
  • Inactivated courses are archived and removed from the active course catalog, inactivated courses will be flagged (red box) in program requirements course lists in the academic catalog.

Reactivation Process:

  • Courses must be 'reactivated' in CIM Courses to be included in program requirements in the Academic Catalog, Degree Works and/or added to the Course Schedule (CLSS).

Course Number Reuse Policy

After a course has been Inactivated, the number assigned to the course must remain dormant for a minimum period of ten (10) years. The dormancy period considers an extended amount of time for students to complete degrees or programs without finding the number of a course they completed associated with different content during a subsequent semester/term of enrollment. Additionally, the dormancy period allows for accurate pre-requisite checking during registration, accurate assessment of financial aid and scholarship eligibility, and accurate identification of equivalencies in the student information system.

Approved 06/17/2022, Provost Office, SVPAA

Course Numbering System

The University of New Hampshire's system of numeric designation is as follows:

  • 200–299?Historical courses in Thompson School of Applied Science.
  • 300–399?Reflected in Aerospace Studies (AERO) courses.
  • 400–499 Introductory courses generally not carrying prerequisites and courses generally falling within University and college requirements.
  • 500–599 Intermediate-level courses for undergraduate credit only.
  • 600–699 Advanced-level undergraduate courses. Entrance to courses numbered 600 and above normally requires junior standing.
  • 700–799 Advanced-level undergraduate courses. Ordinarily not open to freshmen and sophomores.
  • 800–999 Courses that carry graduate credit only and therefore are open only to admitted or special graduate students.

Designated Characters in Course Numbers

  • Honors Courses - Include the letter H [E.g. 400H]
  • Writing Intensive Courses - Include the letter W [E.g. 400W]

See Credit Hour Policy in the Academic Catalog.

Cross-listing courses is a technical mechanism by which departments can offer equivalent courses at the same time, place and with the same instructor. Cross-listing is not a course designation, it applies to sections on the course schedule only. The cross-listed courses must be content equivalent but have different subject prefix codes (in rare cases, different course numbers).


  • ENGL 405/LING 405, Introduction to Linguistics
  • HIST 772/HIST 872, Accelerated Master's undergraduate/graduate level courses


  • No more than two courses can be cross-listed.
  • Cross-listing courses can make sense under certain pedagogical and interdisciplinary academic reasons as well as to expand course awareness.
  • Different courses are not cross-listed. The courses must be considered equivalent and meet the requirements below for cross-listing.
  • Courses should not be cross-listed between colleges. Previously approved cross-listed courses between colleges are excluded and will remain.
  • The cross-listing course concept used as a way to widen major requirements or to manage enrollment and/or instructor resources is not necessary with modern day degree audit systems.
  • Student confusion at registration can be increased when major requirements in the Academic Catalog or Degree Works do not explicitly confirm the course's application in the major. Simply, students can be confused as to whether the course will fulfill a major requirement.
  • By officially revising the program curriculum, the Academic Catalog and Degree Works will represent the program requirements and adhere to NECHE's standard that all program requirements be publicly accessible. Degree Works will understand to apply the program requirements to the student's major requirements block in the system. In certain circumstances, the Degree Works "exception process" can also satisfy these needs. Contact your Dean's Office or the Office of the Registrar with questions.

Requirements to Cross-List Courses

No more than two courses can be cross-listed.

Cross-Listed courses must have:

  • Same course number (700/800 level courses included if approved as part of an Accelerated Master's program)
  • Same course title
  • Same course attributes (Discovery, Writing Intensive, Pre-requisites, Co-requisites, repeat rules, mutual exclusions, etc.)
  • Same course description
  • Same grading policy
  • Same content and be considered equivalent; if a student takes both courses, credit for the first course will be removed. (Does not apply to undergraduate/graduate level cross-listed courses).
  • Same meeting days, times, and location
  • Same instructor


A “special topics” course is any course offered in which the subject matter or content may vary within specific sections across semesters/terms as indicated by that course’s title in the course schedule. Special topics courses should be used on a temporary basis to address specific issues within a field of study that do not currently align with existing approved courses, or to evaluate demand for a new course or area of study. Special topics courses should not be used more than three times* to repeatedly offer the same content. Departments should propose a dedicated new course for approval to add to the university course inventory.

*UNH Franklin Pierce Law School - special topics courses may be offered once before a dedicated new course should be proposed.

See Syllabus Guidance Resources & Template provided by Academic Affairs.