Unrecognized Organizations

Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL) has been an integral part of the student experience at The University of New Hampshire (UNH). Due to violations of the Code of Student Conduct for severe safety concerns, UNH has unrecognized organizations in recent years. This list will be updated every five years.?

Organizations that have had their recognition suspended by the university due to violations of the Code of Student Conduct and are not overseen or managed by the University or their respective councils include:

Kappa Sigma

Date of Incident?
Date of Resolution
Findings of Responsibility?
March 2, 2018 April 18, 2018? IV. Social Event Rules and Requirements?
  • Letter of Reprimand?
August 30, 2019? August 30, 2019? IV. Social Event Rules and Requirements
  • Letter of Reprimand?
May 3, 2019 September 11, 2019 IV. Social Event Rules and Requirements?
  • Letter of Reprimand?
February 28, 2020 March 10, 2020?

IV. Social Event Rules and Requirements?

VI. Other Risk Areas?

  • Suspension of the Chapter through Fall 2020
  • Social Probation through Spring 2021?
  • Organization Probation through Spring 2021?
June 19, 2020 September 1, 2020

IV. Social Event Rules and Requirements?

VI. Other Risk Areas.?

Town Noise Violations

  • Letter on file?
September 6, 2020 September 6, 2020 Town Noise Violations
  • Letter on File?
February 20, 2021 February 28, 2021?

IV. Social Event Rules and Requirements?

VI. Other Risk Areas?

COVID-19 Gathering Violation?

Breach of Organization Probation?

Breach of Social Probation?

  • Community Standards and Interfraternity Council decision - Suspension 5 years?


Sigma Phi Epsilon?

Date of Incident
Date of Resolution
Findings of Responsibility?
December 31, 2016 March 20, 2017? IV. Social Event Rules and Requirements
  • Letter of Reprimand?
  • Required to attend Leadership Conference?
July 22, 2017 September 6, 2017 IV. Social Event Rules and Requirements?
  • Letter of Reprimand
July 23, 2017 September 6, 2017? IV. Social Event Rules and Requirements
  • Letter of Reprimand
March 25, 2018? April 4, 2018 IV. Social Event Rules and Requirements
  • Organizational Probation
  • Pending any additional violations, suspension
April 25, 2018? May 2, 2018? IV. Social Event Rules and Requirements?
  • Letter of Reprimand?
September 28, 2018 October 5, 2018? IV. Social Event Rules and Requirements?
  • Organizational and Charter Suspension?

Make informed decisions

Such “off-campus” or “underground” organizations, and suspended organizations generally, are not recognized at UNH. They no longer have the rights and privileges afforded to a recognized student organization, have no affiliation, supervision or advising by UNH, and are not otherwise under any university purview. Likewise, they do not follow the established rules for social Greek-lettered organizations and do not give the university the names of their members.

Students and families are strongly encouraged to review the good standing social Greek-lettered organizations they wish to join and make informed decisions. Students are strongly discouraged from joining or attending the events of unrecognized student groups. Despite what they may say regarding their organization there is a good reason why they are no longer a part of our flourishing community.?


We value the partnership we have with the recognized fraternities and sororities who meet the expectations of our Code of Student Conduct, the principles of our Standards of Excellence and the policies and values of their inter/national organizations and our local governing councils. If you have any questions about Sorority and Fraternity Life please contact our staff.

We encourage students to consider joining recognized clubs and organizations.

All recognized student organizations