The University of New Hampshire Memorial Union Building is the New Hampshire's official state war memorial. Located on the third floor of the MUB, the Memorial Room reflects that distinction and honors all New Hampshire residents who perished while in military action from World War I through present day. Funds to create this building as a war memorial came from alumni, the state, businesses and civic groups.
In 1953, when Governor Hugh Gregg declared the UNH Memorial Union as the State's official war memorial in 1957, he wrote that it was “desirable that as many youth of the state as possible should know and revere the courage and the sacrifice of New Hampshire men and women who served their country.” The memorial is intended to prompt discussion and thought, a place for quiet reflection, and a place of inspiration. By placing this building and this room in the state’s Land Grant University, it was hoped that generations of students to come would be inspired to have these discussions.?
Name Installation Ceremonies
Name installation ceremonies are scheduled periodically as needed when it becomes necessary to add names of lost soldiers to the plaques.
Memorial Room Windows
The Artist — Professor John Hatch

The windows in the MUB's Memorial Room were designed by UNH Art Professor John Hatch. Hatch taught at UNH from 1949 - 1985 and was best known as a painter of landscapes.
When plans were being made in the 1950’s for the construction of building and the Memorial Room, John Hatch was honored with the opportunity to design a tribute window. Having served in World War II in the Pacific campaign, he was a perfect choice. It was the only window Hatch ever made although he painted murals throughout the University and in other public buildings. Today, the windows are a revered piece of public art on the UNH campus.
The Process

The window was manufactured by and funded through a grant from Monsanto Chemical Company in Detroit, with the help of Stanley King, class of ’26, who was then director of sales. The only of its kind in the world, the window uses safety glass and required the development of a new paint pigment that was lightfast, translucent and strong in color. For the pigment to have a translucent quality, it needed to be ground for 70 hours. Each panel of optically ground glass is ? of an inch thick, and made of of three sheets of plastics and a film of paint sandwiched between two panes of glass.
After Hatch's death in 1998, the original models he made of the windows were bequeathed to the Memorial Union Building and have been placed on display outside the Memorial Room.
Veteran's List
The names on these lists represent those listed on the Memorial Room's permanent plaques. These are men and women with ties to New Hampshire who have lost their lives in service to their country.
WWI, WWII, Korea
WWI, WWII, Korea - UNH Alumni
Vietnam - UNH Alumni
Modern Conflicts
What constitutes a "tie" to New Hampshire is interpreted broadly. Veterans may have been born in New Hampshire, spent a significant amount of their lives in New Hampshire, or were residents at the time of their passing. It is our goal to be inclusive in this list, but because of the nature of how we define a "tie" to the state, we sometimes miss people. If you feel that there is a name missing, or if you find any other error in these lists, please contact mub.office@unh.edu.