President's Working Group on Free Speech and Expression Policies and Communication

Values Statement

UNH is a community that values respect, inclusion, and belonging. The safety of our students and the protection of their right to access educational opportunities are paramount concerns for the university. As an academic institution, we believe in fostering an environment where we can engage with diverse viewpoints, even those some of us may find disagreeable or offensive. Fostering such an environment is essential to our educational mission and the preservation of a free society in which free speech and expression are foundational. We acknowledge tension may exist among values and perspectives, but their collective importance remains.


In keeping with these values, we must maintain and enforce policies and practices that balance our responsibilities and commitments to our community, the law, and society. The goals of this working group are to explore and review expressive responsibilities, actions, protocols, policies, and procedures, including, but not limited to, the May 1, 2024 protest; evaluate whether UNH campus protocols, policies, and procedures are in alignment with stated values and national best practices; and provide recommendations to President Chilton for best practices utilizing an equity lens.


By December 15, 2024:

  • Review UNH’s Student Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities, and any other?applicable policies and guidelines, and how these policies informed university actions during the Spring 2024 semester, and specifically on May 1, 2024.??
  • Evaluate public higher education best practices and approaches for interacting with student and community demonstrators. Consider communications, de-escalation processes, intervention methods, and decision-making authority.?
  • Submit a report summarizing the review and evaluation and making recommendations to:
    • Strengthen UNH’s policies, procedures and practices related to free expression and demonstrations on campus with the dual priority of ensuring campus and community safety and promoting First Amendment rights.
    • Improve communication about these policies, procedures and practices with the campus community?and beyond, including how the community receives timely information in the event of a large demonstration or major police activity.