American Psychological Foundation Graduate Student Scholarships

The American Psychological Foundation and the Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology offer more than 21 scholarships for grad school for student research in psychology.



Eligibility:?Graduate students enrolled in an interim master's program or doctoral program are eligible to apply. If a student is currently enrolled in a terminal master's program, the student must intend to enroll in a PhD program. Students at any stage of graduate study are encouraged to apply. The purpose of the scholarship program is to assist graduate students of psychology with research costs associated with the master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation. The American Psychological Association Science Directorate administers the granting of the scholarships. Each graduate department of psychology that is a member of COGDOP may submit nominations. The number of candidates that each member department is allowed to nominate depends upon the total number of students enrolled in the graduate program. Departments that have 100 or fewer students enrolled in their graduate programs may nominate one (1) candidate; departments that have 101-200 graduate students enrolled may nominate up to two (2) candidates; and departments that have more than 200 graduate students enrolled may nominate up to three (3) candidates. NOTE: nominees must be currently enrolled in the graduate program at the time grants are awarded.


Fellowship Type:?Graduate

Nomination:?Yes, please contact the Fellowships Office

Website:?APF Graduate Student Scholarships