The UNH Facilities Division provides comprehensive services to the UNH campus through our three units:?Campus Stewardship; which includes Capital Planning & Management and Project Management, Energy and Utilities and Facilities Operations & Maintenance.

Campus Stewardship
This office oversees all physical planning, design and construction for campus renewal and improvements.

Facilities Services
Provides services to the UNH campus for maintenance control, grounds and events, housekeeping, lock shop, and control center.

Campus Energy & Utilities
Oversight of all energy efficiency programs including high efficiency lighting systems, motors, and control systems.?
Facilities Control Center
Phone: (603) 862-1437
Call us for any and all Facilities-related requests, including:
- Project management
- Maintenance
- Energy (including heating and cooling issues)
- And more
If you have a personal, medical or health concern which may be impacted by the work to repair your service request, please include this information when calling in your request to (603) 862-1437 or in the “Description of work” in the self-service form. Include a best form of contact.