Robbery and Theft - (Property Crime)

Youth are substantially more likely to be robbed or have property stolen than adults.

  • For 2000, robbery rates were 6per 1,000 for juveniles and 3 per 1,000 for adults, according to the National Crime Victimization Survey.
  • For the same period, larceny (theft) rates were 105 per 1,000 for juveniles and 67 per 1,000 for adults.

School?is the most common location for juvenile property victimizations.

  • In 2000, 54% of juvenile property victimizations happened at or on the way to and from school.
  • The next most risky place was a juvenile's home, which saw only 14% of property victimizations.

    CCRC data analysis using NCVS 2000.

Juvenile?property crimes are different from adult property crimes.

  • Juveniles are?much more?likely than adults to have bicycles, clothing, collections and electronic gear stolen.
  • Many items reported as stolen from adults are communal property such as TV's, appliances, and autos, whose loss impacts juveniles as well as adults in a household.
  • The majority (59%) of items stolen from juveniles are valued at under $50, while the majority (63%) of items taken from adults are worth more than $50.

Few juvenile property crime victimizations get reported to police.

  • Only 13% of all juvenile property victimizations get reported.
  • Reporting can improve the chances of recovering stolen items: 26% of juvenile property victimizations reported to police had items recovered versus only 14% of incidents not reported.

Property crime rates are declining.

  • Property crime rates for both juveniles and adults dropped 20-25% between 1993 and 1997.

Finkelhor, D. and Ormrod, R. (2000).?Juvenile Victims of Property Crimes.? Washington, DC: US Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

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