Timothy Montminy

Excellence in Teaching, 2017

Molecular, Cellular, and Biomedical Sciences

Timothy Montminy

Timothy Montminy is a lecturer in UNH’s medical microbiology degree program. His classes range from hands-on introductory and intermediate laboratory-based courses to advanced seminar-style and inquiry-based lecture/laboratory courses. Upon being hired only four years ago, Montminy immediately reconceptualized the introductory and intermediate courses, increasing rigor, modernizing laboratory experiences and introducing academic technology enhancements.

He holds his students to high standards of academic excellence and is committed to helping them master the material, inside and outside the classroom and laboratory. One student noted, “Dr. Montminy thoroughly conveys all of the learning objectives in an interesting manner and is always willing to explain information and lab techniques in depth.”

Montminy is extremely generous with his time, not only with enrolled undergraduate students, but with graduate students he trains as teaching assistants, lab staff with whom he works with collegiality and courtesy, and faculty colleagues who seek him out for his knowledge and commitment to teaching excellence. One of his recent teaching assistants explains, “Not only did he help develop my knowledge of microbiology, he also helped me grow as an educator. His teaching philosophy includes real life problem solving in the sciences, and I have applied that approach in my classes.”

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Each year, the University selects a small number of its outstanding faculty for special recognition of their achievements in teaching, scholarship, and service. Awards for Excellence in Teaching are given in each college and school, and University-wide awards recognize public service, research, teaching, and engagement.
