Susan Dumais

Presidential Award of Excellence, 2016

Dean's Office, College of Liberal Arts

Communications Coordinator

Susan Dumais

Susan Dumais, through your crisp, nuanced writing and your beautiful and relevant design work, you have built the “local habitation and name” of the College of Liberal Arts and the University as a whole. What’s more, you have managed to accomplish these things in a way that honors our rich history while embracing the future we imagine for ourselves.

Since 2007 when Susan became Communications Coordinator for COLA, she has infused each of her many projects with a passion for UNH and its people, no matter the department.

As one mightily impressed colleague notes, “She is a gifted writer and artist—her posters for college events are the stuff of legend—and her ability to match the messages that she sends out on the college’s behalf to the occasion is really quite remarkable.”

Another, connecting Susan’s work style to her successful execution, says, “When asked to help on a project, she immerses herself completely and one feels like she is advocating wholly and solely to that endeavor.”?

Yet, Susan’s massive talents lie not only in her ability to creatively research and craft information, but also in her deftness in delivering it to the world in a way that lifts COLA and UNH to new heights.

Her writing about UNH’s student and faculty musicians has resulted in increased programmatic support from donors.?Her commitment to highlighting diversity at COLA has helped students of color to feel more valued within our community, which in turn increases our ability to attract and retain such students.

Susan—we are honored that you have found your muse in COLA and UNH.

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All members of the university community, including leadership, supervisors & managers, peers, colleagues and students may nominate any qualified staff member by completing the?Presidential Award of Excellence?nomination form online or by requesting a paper application from?Human Resources?and forwarding it to the?Presidential Award of Excellence Peer Review Committee, c/o Human Resources, Nesmith Hall each year by the deadline.