Seth Wilner

Presidential Award of Excellence, 2014


Extension Field Specialist
Community Economic Development/Food and Agriculture

Seth Wilner

The chances are good that anyone who enjoys eating locally, sustainably grown food in New Hampshire can thank Seth Wilner for his dedication to helping the farmers who grow it.

But the many programs that Seth helps design, fund and deliver do more than just support hundreds of farmers in producing great food. He also helps them to access new and expanding markets, gain a voice in important state and federal agricultural issues and maneuvers the web of regulations governing agriculture, labor and food industry issues.

For example, when the federal Food Safety Modernization Act legislation was proposed, Seth brought together our state’s farmers and agriculture organizations, the offices of our U.S. Senators and state officials to help shape this national policy, which ensures the safety of the food we eat.

Seth is a renowned facilitator and collaboration at the state, county and local level as well. As a member of the New Hampshire Farm Bureau’s Government Affairs Committee, Seth helped break down silos between the state’s conventional and organic farmers so that they can work together on common ground.

Of course, this work would not be possible without funding, and Seth is an adept grant writer. His success in this area gains support for dozens of projects, from workshops for beginning women farmers across New England to the creation of a legal guide to farming in New Hampshire. These talents are also at the core of his role as Sullivan County Office Administrator.

Seth’s dedicated service accomplishes so much to support the lives and livelihoods of our state’s farmers. And in doing so, Seth also helps maintain the quality of life for all New Hampshire, and the open spaces, agricultural traditions and rural communities that we cherish.?

If you visit her office, you will likely see a steady stream of students and faculty coming to her with every conceivable question. Eileen also handles the department’s website, promotions and events; and she serves as the priority liaison with university administration, where her insights and wise guidance are much appreciated.

In addition to being known as one of UNH’s most effective administrators, Eileen is also widely considered as one of the kindest and friendliest to work with.

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All members of the university community, including leadership, supervisors & managers, peers, colleagues and students may nominate any qualified staff member by completing the?Presidential Award of Excellence?nomination form online or by requesting a paper application from?Human Resources?and forwarding it to the?Presidential Award of Excellence Peer Review Committee, c/o Human Resources, Nesmith Hall each year by the deadline.