Lou Tisa

Excellence in International Engagement, 2018

Cellular and Biomedical Sciences

Lou Tisa 2018

Lou Tisa has spent his life as a scientist investigating the “natural products” produced largely by the smallest forms of life that comprise the vast and diverse microbial world. It is explorations like his that gives us the tools to fight infection and remediate environmental damage to dramatically improve human and environmental health. ?Like the microbes he investigates and their useful products, Lou’s science knows no political boundaries.

Lou Tisa’s success in international engagement stems largely from his outlook on collaboration. Like his understanding of biology, it has not constrained by national borders or politics. International scientific collaboration is not always the easiest path, nor the one paved with gold. ?Lou has been doggedly committed to sustaining collaborative research relationships with international colleagues. ?In addition to research collaborations, Lou has also engaged international colleagues in programs like exchange teaching, workshop and program development, as well as maintaining and active participation in four international scientific societies. ?Lou’s service includes serving regularly on international review panels and promoting the advancement of scientists in other countries.

Lou has had a prolific career, spanning decades and focused on understanding questions important to improving the quality of human life where the needs and solutions require a global perspective.

Probably most important has been Lou’s dedication to training the next generation of scientists, instilling in them the dedication to addressing important issues and a global perspective that encourages international engagement.

188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 this Award
This award recognizes exceptional international engagement by a current UNH faculty member. Nominees should have a well-established and ongoing record of international education and/or research while on the UNH faculty. Such activities should include several of the following: directing UNH managed programs abroad, individual research, collaborative research with international partners, exchange teaching, encouraging and supporting student involvement in international research (e.g., IROP), evidence of global perspectives within curriculum, service on international boards and task forces, consulting and/or publications/performances. UNH benefits-eligible faculty members are eligible, except recipients within the last five years. This award is supported by the Global Education Center.