Jack Hoza

Excellence in Teaching, 2015

Sign Language Interpretation

Jack Hoza teaching

As professor and director of the Sign Language Interpretation program at the University of New Hampshire at Manchester, Jack Hoza's glowing reputation among his students and colleagues earned him this year's Teaching Excellence Award.

Since Hoza joined the UNH Manchester faculty in 1994, he has inspired students with his expertise and passion for American Sign Language (ASL). A native user of both ASL and English, Hoza is committed to breaking Deaf stereotypes while fostering the growth of his students.

Hoza is known for his innovative, enthusiastic approach to interpreter education, which prepares students for careers in ASL/English interpretation and continued studies in fields from rehabilitation to social services. It is no surprise that his students echo the words "great," "awesome" and "amazing" in his course evaluations.

Hoza is also a researcher, scholar and author, yet another reason his teaching is reflective and purposeful. His workshops, presentations and published works on interpretation and ASL have gained national recognition, and he is highly regarded in the field.

"Jack is always on the cutting edge of changes in Interpreter Education, immensely benefiting the Deaf Community," said Patrick "Pax" McCarthy, lecturer and assistant director of the Sign Language Interpretation program. "We now are not only to be helped by, but allied with, social change."

By:?J. Michael Hickey, Interim Dean, University of New Hampshire at Manchester

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Each year, the University selects a small number of its outstanding faculty for special recognition of their achievements in teaching, scholarship, and service. Awards for Excellence in Teaching are given in each college and school, and University-wide awards recognize public service, research, teaching, and engagement.
