Bonnie Hodgdon

Presidential Award of Excellence, 2013

Communication, College of Liberal Arts

Bonnie Hodgdon

There are many ways you can describe Bonnie Hodgdon and what she means to the busy Department of Communications. She’s been called the nerve center of the department and the glue that keeps things together. But probably the best way to describe Bonnie, the department’s academic student services assistant, is the person who gets things done.

For nearly 20 years, Bonnie has been an upbeat, caring and competent presence in the department. She has an immense knowledge of the Department of Communication, its procedures and faculty. Working with as many people as Bonnie does — faculty, students, staff, visiting lecturers, work-study students —she always finds time to listen to the problem at hand. These range from bringing new faculty up to speed as they navigate departmental protocols, student advising, and institutional bureaucracy, to making sure that the department’s 400+ students find the class and faculty member they’re looking for.

Bonnie’s desk is located in one of the busiest spots in the Department of Communication, surrounded by a copier, mailboxes and the traffic that passes through the busy hallway. Bonnie faces countless interruptions, but her calm and friendly demeanor rarely reflects the chaos going on around her.

Her role as a problem-solver encompasses a vast variety of tasks, from helping a faculty member navigate the copy machine to organizing the annual Communication Graduation Ceremony. Bonnie’s ability to break down a complicated, long-term project, such as last year’s Academic Review process, helps administrators in her department sleep a little easier.

Said one faculty member, “Bonnie moved mountains, minds, hearts, papers, and schedules. Thousands of students have benefited from her work ethic.”

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All members of the university community, including leadership, supervisors & managers, peers, colleagues and students may nominate any qualified staff member by completing the?Presidential Award of Excellence?nomination form online or by requesting a paper application from?Human Resources?and forwarding it to the?Presidential Award of Excellence Peer Review Committee, c/o Human Resources, Nesmith Hall each year by the deadline.